Equipment Function
Checkout by Banking
Checkout by MOMO
Checkout by PayPal
Step 1: Open the online banking application on your phone or visit the website of the money transfer bank to deposit into tvauto to one of the following 2 bank accounts:
Tên ngân hàng: VIETCOMBANK
Số tài khoản: 0111000208646
Tên tài khoản: TRUONG PHI PHUC
Chi nhánh: Cần Thơ
Tên ngân hàng: AGRIBANK
Số tài khoản: 1800205216170
Method 1: Enter the transfer content or message with the content: NAP autotargetaccountname, When the system receives it, money will be automatically added to the account!:
NAP autotargetaccountname
* Please enter the correct structure and name of the auto target account! If you still have not received money into your account after a long time, please take a screenshot of the bill and contact support for assistance!.
Method 2: Enter the TV code... below into the transfer content (Mandatory and exact content, no spaces):
* If you do not enter or enter the wrong content as above, your account will not be credited.
After successful transfer. Wait 30s, then enter the tvauto account name in the box below and click confirm to receive money. *
* The system will automatically add money to your account as soon as the ad receives the transaction!
* To check, please log in to your account again!!
* After successful confirmation, please log out of your account and log back in to check your account balance.