payment by banking

Step 1: Open the online banking application on your phone or visit the website of the money transfer bank to deposit into tvauto to one of the following 2 bank accounts:

Tên ngân hàng: VIETCOMBANK

Số tài khoản: 0111000208646

Tên tài khoản: TRUONG PHI PHUC

Chi nhánh: Cần Thơ

Tên ngân hàng: AGRIBANK

Số tài khoản: 1800205216170

Tên tài khoản: TRUONG PHI PHUC

Chi nhánh: Cần Thơ

Method 1: Enter the transfer content or message with the content: NAP autotargetaccountname, When the system receives it, money will be automatically added to the account!:

NAP autotargetaccountname

* Please enter the correct structure and name of the auto target account! If you still have not received money into your account after a long time, please take a screenshot of the bill and contact support for assistance!.

* The system will automatically add money to your account as soon as the ad receives the transaction!

* To check, please log in to your account again!!